


What does LMD system means ?

" The LMD system ( Licence-Master-Doctorate ) , consists of a study framework based on 3 cycles of qualification leading to the licence's degree , master and doctorate ."

 The 3 cycle degree structure :

The beginning of the academic year was in 2004-2005 in University of La Rochelle (France)

Modules that you are going to deal with :

The degrees:

The licence degree is organized according to subjects . it comprises 6 semesters ( each year has 2 semesters & in each semester has TD Tests and exams on all modules ) and worth 180 credits .

The master degree is organized according to subjects and specialisations ; the majority of the master's degrees at the university are neither research nor vocation-oriented . However , for certain subjects, the choice of a research or professional specialisation can be made at the end of the second semester . The degree comprises 4 semesters worth 120 credits and the entrance requirements are 180 credits.

 It's open to students who have a master's degree or an equivalent level of study (the last one doesn't exist in Algeria) . it is awarded after the student defends his thesis in public and is the highest level of study in higher education .

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